for people with dementia and similar problems with cognizance





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Simple Music Player for dementia and alzheimers at

Easyto use

The simplest of controls, proven to work with dementia


Designed to be a familiar and non-threatening household object


Low energy and maintenance free; easily cleaned and robust

Music for Dementia

Playing music to people with dementia from their formative years vastly improves their cognizance and lucidity - the effects are dramatic, and are widely recognised by dementia and alzheimer professionals.

Online store
E2L developed the ’Simple Music Player’ with supporting research from the Bath Institute of Medical Engineering (Designability) and the 'INDEPENDENT' project. The findings confirmed both the benefits of providing people who have dementia with music they remember, and the need for easy operation that such people require. The restorative effect of music vastly improves the quality of life at home, mental well-being, and promotes independent living rather than relying on institutional resources.

Online store

See the pleasure, engagement and process of remembering for this delightful 96 year old man, the father of one of our customers in Canada who kindly sent in the video - "You can't take that away from me"

The design is focussed on simplicity for the user, the person with dementia, and for ease of uploading selected tunes by friends, family or carers.

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Recent News

Product improvements
Two new features have now been incorporated into our standard product. This includes a wider range of file types and an external USB stick for playing tunes onvisits, etc.
New company ProDemenz launched built around our Simple Music Player wins audience prize at Designgut, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Dementia music suppliers Oer, in Schippol, Holland enter into long term exclusive agreement for the Netherlands.
USA Retailers
Best Buy, the US retail chain have taken on the rebranded "Simpl" music player as part of their 'senior aisle'.
Simple Music Player features in groundbreaking exhibiton at the Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, New York, USA.
FunkaMera, our Swedish distributors, are rolling out music players in specialist retail stores.
Scandanavia Distribution
Welcoming onboard picomed in Norway and Handic Help in Denmark.
Best month yet
December has seen a massive growth in shipments, exceeding our best previous month in the first 10 days
New Zealand distributor
Pleased to welcome 'Music Restoration NZ' as our first distributor in New Zealand
0% VAT confirmed
The UK HMRC (revenue and customs) have confirmed that the Simple Music Player is zero rated for tax purposes
Mark 2 Launched
Looks and works the same but now has USB upload, and a wider variety of music file types
USA distribution
Simple Music Player featured at the ATIA conference, Orlando, Florida
Alzheimer’s Society
Simple Music Player is featured in the 2014 Winter Catalogue with 100,000+ circulation
New production facility for Music Players now fully operational in Monmouth, Wales